One of the ways we start each program is with a scavenger hunt designed to take students to places they might want to visit while we are here - local restaurants, the post office, the classroom, the bus stop, the pharmacy, the grocery store, the urgent care, the police station, and more. The trek to town and back is about 2 miles!

So Lilly and Jess (our Program Assistants) put the teams together and explained the rules:

1.    Members of each team had to stay connected in some way the entire time they searched for  the 18 locations on the hunt

2.     They had to creatively document (photo or video) that they made it to each location on the hunt

3.     They had to learn enough about each other to introduce them to the rest of the group at the last stop (the faculty directors’ residence) 

Despite a few eye rolls (at the staying connected rule), off they went. It took them about an hour and a half but they rolled back in laughing and sharing and with some really creative photo and videos!  Then we all sat out in the lawn and learned some really fun facts about each other as the introductions were made.   Not only did they get to know each other and our local community, they met a few Kiwis (people – not the fruit or bird) along the way! We thought we share some of their photos! 


This team was looking a little ill and they found the pharmacy!










Under the giant Eucalyptus tree on Farm Rd. 

At the bus stop.

They found the chemists shop (the pharmacy) but also noticed that  "culinary chemists" hang out at The Laboratory restaurant!

Finding out when the post office is open.

And the last stop - find the faculty directors' residence!


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