Students on and in Cave Rock, Sumner Beach, Christchurch

On the first day of the new year, 42 of us departed on our journey to Aotearoa, the Land of the Long White Cloud, home of Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf.  To learn about hoggets, two-tooths, tussock and tucker; manuka, bees, and kiwis; possums and pests; soil, water, wind and rain.

To eat Pineapple Lumps and pavlova and to drink L&P and a flat white. 

To wear jandals and gumboots. To see takahes and tuis.

To tramp in the bush and climb wee hills on stations.

To wonder at the awa, maunga, roto, and whangas.

Ma Te Wa (until we meet again)


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