The Farewell Dinner by Dominique
Our study abroad farewell dinner was the perfect way to celebrate the journey we had shared. The evening began with an explanation of the winery. I may be biased as a food scientist, but I loved hearing about the production process and the steps you can take to develop different fruity flavors. We then moved inside and were presented with glasses of sparkling sauvignon blanc, its crisp flavor setting the tone for the night. We paired it with a selection of delicious starters: sweet potato rounds, arancini, and wontons. As the evening unfolded, we moved on to a tasting of pinot gris and chardonnay. During this part of the dinner, we learned a valuable tip about white wine that I will definitely put into practice: if it is served too cold—below 3°C—it can numb the roof of your mouth, masking its full flavors. Just as we were taking in this lesson, Scott McFadden and his partner Ang who own the Acheron Station arrived. Alex and Sue Bruce, the owners of Travlon, arrived not long after, adding to the lively atmosphere. The next wine on the menu was a rosé, made from pinot noir grapes. Not long after, Errol and his wife, Margaret, who were the original Lincoln University hosts joined us, their presence making the evening feel even more special. Dinner officially began with bean salad and baskets of bread passed around the table. The hosts joined us, sharing stories and insights about their journeys as we enjoyed each course. They informed us that they have been to every state except three. Darrius, a graduate student at Lincoln, arrived just as the main dishes were served: a spread of perfectly prepared salmon, beef, and lamb. After the meal, we watched a slideshow of our favorite photos, alongside reflections and we also enjoyed an amusing montage of us breaking rule #5—no sleeping on the bus! I must admit that I often broke this rule. As dessert arrived, a rich chocolate mousse, Hamish and Melanie Marr made their entrance, adding the final touch to our group gathering. The night concluded with certificates, awards, tears, and lots of laughs. We made our way outside for a sunset photo session, marking the perfect end to an extraordinary journey. I am so grateful for this experience and all the amazing people I met on this journey. I feel like I have made some lifelong friends!
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