Today I met Scott McFadden, a.k.a the Man, the Myth, the Legend by Alex

Let me tell you about the man he is first. He’s the owner of The Acheron, his family’s farm since 1965. Growing up, his brother was actually supposed to take it over. However, in 2000, his dad asked if he wanted to give it a shot and since then, Scott’s been running it. In the past couple of years, Scott has downsized his livestock numbers. But don't worry, they’re still his first priority in the morning. Instead, he’s been focusing more on his bread and butter; his wool press business. He owns multiple wool presses; machines that compress wool into bales for export. This provides him with a year-round steady income, unlike other crop and livestock farmers that depend on fluctuating consumer markets. In addition, Scott has other streams of income through his sheep, cattle, 200 hectares (500 acres) of forest, and beekeeping partnership. 

Okay, now let me tell you about the myth. It’s been said that sometimes you’ll catch a glimpse of him riding on a steel pony, alongside the Acheron militia, mustering hundreds of sheep. There have even been accounts of Scott’s cows flocking to him at the sound of his lovely voice. Sure, maybe his steel pony is a motorbike, his militia is composed of three working dogs, and the cows know they’re about to be fed. I can neither confirm nor deny. 

Scott doesn’t just have a way with the animals. Are you ready to hear how he earned the title of legend? Scott’s story resonates deeply with mine. He has a short stature and I have had short hair my entire life. Scott has been the most open farmer I’ve met when discussing mental health challenges within the community, as well as his own. He spoke about growing up within the industry and facing discrimination. Often being told: “you’ll never be a farmer”. Do you want to know his response? It’s “F them”. Not only did Scott break the stereotypical mold of who was thought to be a successful farmer, but he committed himself to improving the community that once didn’t even believe in him. A community plagued with stress, burnout, and isolation because of unpredictable weather, volatile markets, and or government demands. Scott became trained in counseling strategies and has been renowned in the community for listening to clients about their struggles and offering advice, sometimes even saving lives by doing so. Scott McFadden isn’t just a farmer; he’s a living testament to resilience, innovation, and the profound impact one person can have on their community. In other words, legendary. 

Scott McFadden and I at the Farewell Dinner


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